Tuesday, November 12, 2013

25 weeks

Finally to mommas relief, I do a long morning nap two days in row! Guess you gotta time it right around 9. Day light saving have definitely threw a ringer for me. I am up at 5 wondering why is everyone not up. daddy comes to rescue and help me sleep some days. I also like to chill on mommy back some days when I feel edgy.

I can grab really good I must say. I pinched mama! as Niam would say oweee! I have been grabbing books, pot and pans, plates..you name it or rather hold it and I wanna grab at it. You trying getting it away from my hand feel my tough grasp. I rolled a few times on my right side I guess no more laziness but I prefer sitting. who can argue with that! I also like to look at the window from my excersaucer.
 I also want my brother, momma or daddy in my line of sight. I do feel antsy when they are not around and give them a big smile when they come back. I also like to sit with Niam on dining table during meal time.

I am really into books these days and have my hands all over them one I see one. ten little ladybugs still on my hotlist. I like to turn the pages mostly backwards. I like to stroke mama's hair while eating or play with her dress. I like little patterns on clothes. I am sitting like a big kids these days. I get really frustrated as I wanna go places when I am on tummy but I guess that will come too.  Momma feels I am growing too fast. I wanna do all things NO. I wanna talk now too so I can respond to Niam.

Its getting cold over here Brrr. I don't care much for all that bundling up while hugging mama on back!
More next week..

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