Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Almost 6 months/Half a year what!!! 26 weeks that is.

I am almost half a year old. That must be celebrated according to Niam. So we will, along with daddy's birthday coming up.

This week has been full of growing up a tad bit more. I am able to sleep all by myself with my teddy and bunny for a little while and then I still want mommy and daddy. That's a sign of maturity right? Basket is on its way out. Oh no! Can you believe it. I didn't take a single nap in basket and rocker. I will miss it I must say.

On other fronts, I like to sit more then lie on my back and tummy. I do flop every now and then. I can go in complete circle all by myself if you have something curious going on around me. I am very curious as mommy calls me curious george.

I love to stroke mommy's hair and dress with my fingers gently while eating. She seems to like it and sometimes I stop eating to play with her. I anticipate little piggy song tickle part and start laughing before any tickles happen. to be honest I am not that tickly so far in. I do get tickly if you kiss my tummy. I like to look out of the window in my excersaucer. Bumbo and bouncy are lower on the list these days to play with. I really try hard to put things in my mouth and if I can't, I get frustrated.

I like to turn the pages and grab the books that I am being read to. I usually turn the page backwards but that counts right? I try to put book in my mouth but usually leads to more frustration.

Generally life is good! cant wait to see what Niam does for my 6 month birthday.

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