Tuesday, February 4, 2014

37 weeks/Grandma

Time sure is flying by. I am becoming aware of what I like and show unhappiness if I don't get it. I don't like to negotiate especially when its time to play with daddy. I fit like a glove in his arms and I like it. I see him and I cry and ask for it or get excited when he calls me and start kicking my legs. If he doesn't come to me right away I get mad. I love my dad. Like dad says if you make eye contact with me, Game over!

Sometimes I am playing good on my own or with someone else but if I hear mommy daddy's voice then I definitely get antsy. Don't avoid me though guys.

We had sad news past week. Grandma died. We went for the funeral and I slept through half of it in daddy's arm. I think grandma taught my dad to be a great dad. We will miss you grandma. I didn't get to know you at all but Daddy keep telling me stories about you.

This week.. I like to eat momma's hair band, my hair brush, any plastic bag or my sock.

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