Friday, February 21, 2014

9 month old..9 in 9 out!

Woah! as daddy said Nine month in belly and Nine month out...
Its crazy as mommy thinks I am rushing it. She wants to keep her baby.
I am always going to be your baby.

I love hugs and cuddles in big bed under covers. Thats our favorite pass times for these afternoons as I am kicking my third nap so We play, We roll over and cuddle. I love it. We wish daddy was around to cuddle too and Niam.

Another fun game we have discovered is mirror in bathroom when mommy turns the light on. I laugh as I get startled and it feels like the funniest thing I have seen. We do it over and over.

I like to eat momma's phone but I settle for phone cover. I will do anything for that! I mean anything you ask.

Ohh I love to pull all my books out under piano and I sit there for hours singing and pulling..

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