Tuesday, February 11, 2014

38 weeks/Daddy's girl

I love myself in mirror, photos on iphone or videos. I love looking at me! Thats our new game. I laugh and smile and its so much fun. I am not vain am I?

Daddy and My love affair continues. He walks in the door and I want him! I kick my hands and feet and welcome him with a big smile. We play all sorts of game but peekaboo on the couch where he put me in a fortress and tries to find me is the best. Even Niam tries to play that game with me when daddy comes in late to make me laugh.

I love beef! Sorry Mama I am not a vegetarian at all. Daddy made me some beef and I scarfed it down. I loved it what can I say.

I also added few more thing in what I like to bite on! Magnatile triangle, Hair brush, steel bowl and spoons.

I also like to chill on my play area by piano and pull all my books out, look for toys from basket and look out the window. Whats not to like.

Daddy swear I said "good girl' copying him. May be I did may be I didnt!

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