Tuesday, August 20, 2013

13 week old!

This week involved an ongoing focus on the things I love! I enjoy hitting the beautiful cube above me in my gym.  This sounds simple enough, but actually requires a well orchestrated plan on my part.  First, I stare at it closely and frown (I am deep in concentration). This makes momma laugh and she knows something big is about to happen. Momma stares at me with anticipation. Then, like a bolt of lightning, I raise my hands above my head and.... SMACK! It happens, and the cube goes flying.  Success! After all, there's no limit to what a baby girl can accomplish if she sets her mind to it.  Other things I am accomplishing:  playing my doggy toy with my foot to make music and lifting my legs way into the air, so high so high that I even hit the animal farm toy with my feet.

Story time has become so much fun!  I am starting to focus on what's happening in the book, and daddy loves to read to me! I have also started to focus on what mama is saying.  Most of the time I understand her.  If I am having trouble getting her point, I'll try really hard, but if all else fails, I give a little smile. This, without fail, evokes a big response from momma, and I think sometimes she even forgets what she was saying.  I am also focusing on what Niam is up to by following his always on the go self. I have to say: Niam is harder than momma to follow because he talks and talks without much breaks.  One minute it's about monsters, the next it's about spiderman, the next it's about putting people in jail. It's enough to make a little girl's head spin sometimes.  Anyway, when I am in my wrap, I focus on everything that I see, unless I fall asleep of course. My head keeps moving from side to side just to make sure that  I don't miss anything important.

One of my happiest times is when I emerge from my swaddle after my nappy. As momma lowers the zipper, a huge smile emerges as I pull my arms out and throw them in the air. Free at last, I am thinking. Momma sings to me "When I wake up in the morning, I see you there. I always whisper in my prayer "give a really sweet sweet smile everyday!" I do exactly that!

I am no longer an immobile baby! Leave me on the floor and watch me roll on my side over and over! I guess there won't be any more alone time on the changing table. Oh well. Another fun thing I have been enjoying is looking at the mirror and smiling at the baby in it!  She seems nice.  Another quirk I have is that immediately before I burp, I make cute soothing noises ahh, aaa!

Momma got a beautiful green wrap (fluffy mail momma said) earlier this week, and we have been rocking it ever since. The ring sling is also back in favor!  Let the wrapping continue..who knows I may want to be free soon??

I have also come to realize that I have a low pain threshold! When my doctor gave me my oral polio vaccine, I was crying bloody murder. Boy, those tasted yucky! And to make matters worse, this was followed by two shots.  I cried a storm, oh no!!  I may cry so be warned.

We did farewell to union square yoga and other fun summer stuff. I can't wait for my first autumn... not just yet! We also celebrated mommy and daddy's wedding anniversary (what's a wedding I ask?) I went on a date with them Friday and Saturday nights!  Music by the water and a local market late night dance party under the moon was beautiful I must say, but the best part was to see momma and daddy getting so cute and starting to dance when their wedding song came up coincidently.  (I had nothing to do with it. I swear!). That definitely was the highlight of the evening.

I am going to 3 months old soon (wow that's old!).

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