Tuesday, September 17, 2013

17 week old

These are the wonder weeks! Niam is back at school, so it's just me and my mama staking our claim to the living room. We play nice music, and I lie on the rug looking here and there. Sometimes momma is surprised when I get turned around in a completely different direction looking at something curiously. I have lots of open space to explore till my Firecracker Niam bhaiya comes home from school. I do miss his energy. The first few days we missed him so much that we were glued to the door waiting for him to come back. We wanted to hear all about how school was but all he said was it was "good". What does that mean? Where are the juicy details?? I want to know!

I'm very much into my bumbo seat! It helps me to join in to the story time with Niam and also look at things from a different perspective. Another perk of sitting up in that seat is that it helps me to "Burp" on my own.  I can even join the dining table with Niam in my bumbo. He likes to look at me while he eats. I like to see him too.

Bouncy is back too! For the past few week, I was curling up into a mini ball every time that I went into the bouncy.  This was not so fun when all I wanted to do was eat my toes. Now I have settled back in to other things besides my toes, like the monkey, waterfall, and parrot and other stuff too.

We have a new music toy that plays beautiful music and gets me all excited. I try to crawl to it real hard, but make little progress. Daddy brought it closer to me the other day.... How thoughtful!  Niam likes to turn the music on. So we all are having fun with it.

Momma and I play silly games that make me laugh out loud so much! She loves being goofy with me and I like our antics. I love the ladybug book especially the last page.

My sleep has gotten so much better. I do a lot of my naps on my own (but they are so many!) I can't do them all on my own. Sometimes I do need help. Mommy says she will eventually miss this time of putting me to nap so she happily helps me out! I like to look at her too while I doze off to sleep. Daddy likes to give me extra hugs at night too, so I have no complaints. But I am capable of going to sleep on my own, and I have figured that part out just in case I need to. Next step according to mama is to do less but longer naps. I think that when this happens, I may not be a baby any more. I want to stay just like this for now.

Niam bday is tomorrow! We are working on cupcakes for school. Shhh its a surprise......

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