Tuesday, September 24, 2013

18 weeks old/4 month old

This week kicked off with Niam's Bday! I am going to be 4 month old on Saturday. Two birthdays, yippee!

This week was all about Master Niam. I helped mama plan Niam's Monster birthday party. I let her do her planning and encouraged her that she is doing good. I even put myself to sleep when she was making decorations and creating cupcake eyeballs. Not sure if Niam realizes how much work we put in for his bday. He sure did seem to have a lot of fun on his birthday. We went to pick him up from school on his b'day and treated him with a vanilla pudding pop! I would like to try it one day too. Happy Birthday Niam.

This week, the big thing I did was roll from my tummy to my back once! It will help me to get out of all sorts of tough situations when my leg gets stuck. Niam watch out... I may be getting even more mobile. I also like to play with my rattles! I keep dropping them on the floor from my bumbo tray and then looking at mama to pick them up for me only to do it again over and over! So fun! I even discovered a mirror in my gym and it makes a noise when I press on it.."hello". So I pressed it over and over. I am a curious george as mamma calls me!

We had a lot of fashion shows to prepare me for Niam's Birthday (pics coming soon!). I didn't mind it at all. We did luck out with the weather and it didn't rain. Phew!!

I took a taxi for the first time to and from Niam's birthday.  I got nauseous and spit up on my brand new dress for the party!! I did, however, stay mostly calm among all the attention at Niam's bday. I stayed awake mostly, but went to eat and sleep a few times and even managed some photos and cake cutting with Niam. What else can we expect form a tiny baby like me??  I kept the hat on which my momma really wanted me to wear. This one time only! Okay!  I did hang out with my baby cousin Antonio and compared the lives of us babies.

Bye Bye summer!  Hello Fall!

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