Tuesday, July 30, 2013

10 weeks old!

Weeks are flying by! Now, when I see other little babies in the playground, I say "been there done that!."  Last week my mom obsessed with making her own sari wrap to carry me. She managed to make a ring sling, which I mostly liked, but it's still a work in progress. We visited a few Indian stores for that, and needless to say, I got a lot of attention there. I prefer being all wrapped up the best. I don't care much for so called "structured carriers," at least so far.

We also dragged out my stroller, which I barely ever ride, and guess who rode it all the way to the park and back? Not me, but Niam! I prefer to be carried by momma anyway. Niam and I had great day at the Union Square Park dancing to music and playing hide and seek. We also went to story time, but Niam was ready to leave after  only 15 minutes! I think when I get older, I'll have to teach my brother the meaning of patience!

I enjoy my new barn toy over my changing table, and I like to hit the girl and baby over and over to make the lights go on. I still like the black and white cards a lot and the cube that hangs in my jungle gym.  It has the most beautiful butterfly on it!

I am a pretty calm baby usually! Momma can leave me alone to do my own thing and I don't mind. I look at my hands, feet, or things around me, and I stay pretty content until I get either tired, bored or hungry and then I let out a cry for attention. But the minute I see momma,  I get quiet in anticipation. She seems to like it. Of course I know she is my momma!  Why did she ever doubt that?

My new favorite burping position is on mama's tummy.  I prefer to eat lying down mostly. I am also  smiling more and cooing a lot, and mommy likes the sparkle in my eyes when I talk to her. Mommy says I am getting a lot of fun. I am sleeping at night, but don't ask me about the witching hours between 7 and 9PM. No downtime for my momma and dada. I have to outlast Niam after all....

Oh look its 9 pm! Time to go to bed..

Monday, July 29, 2013

Look through my eyes...

Look this way..
 look that way..

 to the right..
 backwards..(how do i do that?)
 over the deep blue see!

Let the looking continue...

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Spa day

What baby doesn't like a nice massage?
 Usaually niam school days are my spa days..
 Momma and I sing songs, she rubs my back, belly and arms..
 Then we jump in to nice warm bath..
 Nice music flow in in the background..
 Then I get very sleepy! oh lazy spa days..

Friday, July 26, 2013

boo boo

Mommy is very nervous cutting my nails! I have a very soft skin 
The other day she was doing so well till we go to the last nail and oh my! wah!wah!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

napping? whats that?

My mom has decided I should be on some sort of a nap schedule! oh no!
I have yet to determine if i like that. I like lazy crazy lifestyle we have right now..

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Group story time.

 I knew it wasn't gonna work out! Usually Niam get his story time and bed rituals and then once he goes to sleep my story time happens..
One day we decided to do a storytime together

Its too crowded in daddy's lap..
I dont like this story!
Niam doesn't like this story Oh well! Good night!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

9 weeks old

Wow! Time sure does fly! I am 2 months old and continuing to get bigger even as I write my most recent update.

The highlight of this week is that Momma put me on a schedule! I didn't like it one bit at first, but now I am getting the hang of it.  And you know what:  I'm sleeping better at nighttime and  I have to give the schedule at least some of the credit. I usually wake up only once at night to eat, but one night I didn't even do that and slept straight through.  Don't get used to it mommy! I also have a funny feeling that if I keep doing that, she may not be happy either.  I need to eat to grow, you know.

Another big thing I did was lift my legs really high in the sky and roll to my right side over and over. I wasn't sure if it was a good thing, but I know now how to get from my tummy to my back also. Mommy doesn't control how long I do tummy time anymore.  Now, I decide!!

Another interesting tidbit: I have become very difficult to burp even if I am gassy. Sometimes, however, I enjoy a nice burp when mommy put me in the carrier in the chest to chest or tummy to tummy positions! Strange, but true.

Sometimes I refuse to be hidden.. I stay awake on the go, and I like to look around for anything interesting on the way. I usually get lots of admiring looks while I peek out of the carrier.

We have solidified my sleep ritual which includes a story by daddy (I prefer black and white books) and songs and some rocking, milk and I am out. My bedtime is 9 so far. Woo hoo! Niam has to go to sleep early. Mommy and daddy keep trying to make me go to sleep between 7 to 9, but I refuse. I like my 9 PM bedtime and refuse to sleep early.

I have developed a special interest in my black and white mobile, pink teddy music, and black and white cards over my changing table. The ones over my changing table are my favorite I must say. I can look at them for hour and hours, and they make getting my diaper changed a real delight.  I also enjoy my bouncy and gym too. Life as a baby is so easy.

Mommy and I enjoy lots of songs and games and chats while I am awake. We also celebrated my two month birthday on Sunday with bread and jams at a french place around the corner. I looked around while Niam ate. Yeah, I'm two months old now!!

The other big thing I like to do now is coo.  When you talk to me, I coo.  When I look at black and white cards, I coo. When you smile at me, I coo.  When I go in my gym and look at the hanging animals, I coo.  I guess you could call me a big coo-er.  This is what happens when you have a lot to say, but cannot talk yet.

Anyway, more big news and I mean big: coo coo coo coo COO coo COO coo!  Did you get that? More next week.....

Monday, July 22, 2013

I lifted my legs and rolled to one side

This morning when momma put me in jungle gym I lifeted my legs high in the sky and rolled to one side..then I did it again and again. I guess that comes with getting bigger.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

2 month old birthday celebrations!

 We celebrated with bread and jam at le pain quotidian! I was even awake for it! Why does Niam get to eat it all?? Oh we'll my turn will come soon!
I did get some Ohh and the Ahhs form random people when I was peeking out from my sling!
Happy Birthday to me..

All dressed up! 2 month old..