Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Six week old!

I have reached the forty days landmark! Momma is thrilled about it. I remember back when I caught the sniffles from her when I was first born. Since then, she has been super worried about me getting sick again, and in fact, made me promise her that I wouldn't get a fever on Memorial Day weekend!  Dr Mirante had told us that any fevers meant a visit to the ER (that wasn't very helpful was it?).  Neither mom or I wanted it for sure.

Another advantage of being six week old is that I can be out and about and play with Niam's toys and not worry too much about germs anymore. My gym and bouncy have moved to living room. Niam actually has a hard time staying away from my baby toys. He keeps asking mamma about the rainforest bouncy.  Daddy has been replacing batteries in some of his old baby toys. The rainforest was his favorite and now mine!

Of course, six weeks also means that I am capable of doing a lot more stuff. I kick the monkey on the bouncy to turn on the lights and music, and I reach for my toys in the gym. Tummy time is a piece of cake on a good day. I even can roll on to my side sometimes. My cry is much stronger so mommy can't miss it. I can stretch out of the carriers with my legs comfortably hanging. Ohhh, this is big one - when mommy talks to me, I try to talk back and engage in conversation. I even gave her a smile the other day. She loved it!! She couldn't wait to tell dad about it. Niam said that I have been smiling to him for a while.

Mommy has been trying to do a rucksack back carry on me, but I don't like it! I cry everytime. Don't throw me on your back like a potato sack! But so far, carrying me has been full of bumps and adventures. When we go out, we always have to bring along a back-up sling just in case everything  else fails.

I have developed a bit of new quirk: I kick my legs a lot when I am unhappy and my mommy doesn't respond to me in time. Another one of my quirks is that I like to poop in a clean diaper. It has happened at times the minute daddy changes me. He has to change me all over again - Ha!!

Niam and daddy have a joke that they saw me sneaking into the kitchen at night to eat pizza, oh no!! or beef with asparagus!  Blame it on little me. Niam is singing more and more goodnight songs to me and is also reading more and more stories to me. I like it!! He is a good big brother. He definitely has some obsession about the rules. I am gong to break them ha! Niam likes to listen to bands in the summer festival from close up, but I find it too noisy. So we'll have to figure out a common ground. Hopefully now that I am bigger and more awake, I can be more out in the open when we go out and see the world! Happy growing up!

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