Tuesday, July 9, 2013

7 week old

I am settling into my routine, mostly!  Three days per week my bhaiya goes to summer camp. Those days are my "spa" days.  I sleep in, wake up for a relaxing breakfast, and then a nice warm bath. Recently, momma decided to start doing my champi, aka massage, for the first time and I loved it!  I'm not sure why its taken so long to get one, but I hope to get a lot more soon.  After my bath and massage, sometimes momma brushes my hair, does my nails, and dresses me up in a cute outfit.  Then, it's time for more food and for my nap.  The house is quiet and my spa treatment is certainly relaxing, but I do miss Niam.  In the afternoon, I go to pick him up from camp and hear about his exciting day.  When we get home, Niam runs at what seems like a mile a minute between his games and toys. For now, I mostly watch, but someday I think I will be able to run with him. Hurray!!

What else am I up to? Hmmm, let me think.  I have been playing with baby toys: my bouncy chair and farm mat are my favorites.  I am continuing my tummy time, and I like it. Sometimes, lying on my belly makes me burp.  Surprisingly, this makes momma happy, but she doesn't understand why I don't burp when she pats on my back after I eat.  What can I say?  I think I like to be spontaneous.....

I have also been spending a lot of time in baby carriers with momma.  I have decided that I like this carrier called Boba! It is the "Cadillac"of baby carriers, even if its name is a bit silly.  It's spacious but cozy, airy without being audacious, and gives my free access to the boob.  Who could ask for more??

I have also noticed that mommy has been trying to make all these silly faces and talking to me in a goofy manner. I am curious about what's going on? I can't believe that all this is for a tiny smile from me?? Maybe, who knows..my family is quirky like that.

My brother's bedtime is 7 PM, but mine is 9PM.  This makes me feel like a big girl that my bedtime is so much later than his. It's not perfect, however, because those two hours after he sleeps are the fussiest of my day.  I just can't seem to relax or get comfortable.  I've tried everything, trust me: singing, rocking, milk. Maybe momma should give me more champi?? Can't hurt.  After 9 PM, however, I get very sleepy and pass out.  After this, I mostly wake up to eat, but then go immediately back to sleep. I do not burp or poop at night! It's sleep time as Niam would say.  I guess I am following the rules. In the mornings, I like to sleep in, but Niam wakes up at a ridiculous hour, way before I'm ready to wake up.  But even Niam's loud monster games can't wake me.  I guess I'm a deep sleeper in the morning time. Sometimes, when I do wake up, Niam has already left for camp.  It makes me sad that I missed my goodbye hug, but I know I'll be seeing him when he gets picked up.

Anyway, it's almost 9PM and that means lights out.  I'll touch base with everyone next week.....

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