Tuesday, July 23, 2013

9 weeks old

Wow! Time sure does fly! I am 2 months old and continuing to get bigger even as I write my most recent update.

The highlight of this week is that Momma put me on a schedule! I didn't like it one bit at first, but now I am getting the hang of it.  And you know what:  I'm sleeping better at nighttime and  I have to give the schedule at least some of the credit. I usually wake up only once at night to eat, but one night I didn't even do that and slept straight through.  Don't get used to it mommy! I also have a funny feeling that if I keep doing that, she may not be happy either.  I need to eat to grow, you know.

Another big thing I did was lift my legs really high in the sky and roll to my right side over and over. I wasn't sure if it was a good thing, but I know now how to get from my tummy to my back also. Mommy doesn't control how long I do tummy time anymore.  Now, I decide!!

Another interesting tidbit: I have become very difficult to burp even if I am gassy. Sometimes, however, I enjoy a nice burp when mommy put me in the carrier in the chest to chest or tummy to tummy positions! Strange, but true.

Sometimes I refuse to be hidden.. I stay awake on the go, and I like to look around for anything interesting on the way. I usually get lots of admiring looks while I peek out of the carrier.

We have solidified my sleep ritual which includes a story by daddy (I prefer black and white books) and songs and some rocking, milk and I am out. My bedtime is 9 so far. Woo hoo! Niam has to go to sleep early. Mommy and daddy keep trying to make me go to sleep between 7 to 9, but I refuse. I like my 9 PM bedtime and refuse to sleep early.

I have developed a special interest in my black and white mobile, pink teddy music, and black and white cards over my changing table. The ones over my changing table are my favorite I must say. I can look at them for hour and hours, and they make getting my diaper changed a real delight.  I also enjoy my bouncy and gym too. Life as a baby is so easy.

Mommy and I enjoy lots of songs and games and chats while I am awake. We also celebrated my two month birthday on Sunday with bread and jams at a french place around the corner. I looked around while Niam ate. Yeah, I'm two months old now!!

The other big thing I like to do now is coo.  When you talk to me, I coo.  When I look at black and white cards, I coo. When you smile at me, I coo.  When I go in my gym and look at the hanging animals, I coo.  I guess you could call me a big coo-er.  This is what happens when you have a lot to say, but cannot talk yet.

Anyway, more big news and I mean big: coo coo coo coo COO coo COO coo!  Did you get that? More next week.....

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