Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Sleeping Beauty

23 weeks/Halloween whats that?

Halloween is around the corner and so are many pumpkin festivals & Halloween parades! I love this tradition..we got to carve the pumpkin and I even got to sit in one wow! We went urban pumpkin picking, participated in lots of fall festival art & craft.
I mostly hung out on momma's back in my costumes. Yes costumes! I was a leopard, Lion, ladybug (Thanks cousin Olivia) and a lamb!!! I didn't like lamb outfit one bit so icky. Lion was momma's favorite. I wanted to be princess Leia or a ghost boo! I also preferred to be next to mommy with all the scary stuff everywhere even though Niam the spider/superman offered to fight them for me with circle thing(slinky).
We also celebrated Cousin Alec and Olivia's b'day and I got to hang out with my baby cousins & Family. I dressed up for the occasion and got a lot of love from my Aunts and Uncles.
I have been sitting up with little bit of support such as mommy holding my hand or hand on my back. when I do tumble I have a protective mechanist of rolling over so I won't hit my head. Don't worry Momma! I do get frustrated when my toy is bit far and I cant crawl to it? I can scooch but that doesn't get me to toy but moves me in a different direction. Mommy help!!!
I have been a  bit of curious george too. When Daddy comes in and I am nursing I stop, look at him and give him a biggest smile that I can! He likes it I think. I also like to entertain myself with Niam's antics. He definitely keeps me on my toes.
Diwali is around the corner...Cant wait!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Friday, October 25, 2013

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

What? You expected me to stay put..

22 weeks/ 5 month old

Wow I am 5 month old! time sure does fly..
Being big comes with lots of responsibility. You have to do more stuff. I have been trying to sit up with help of course. I roll over right away when I lie down on back but hate being in tummy position so I look for mama to help me!. I like to examine hands! yes hands!! I hold momma and dadddy fingers whenever I get a chance and look at it over and over.
Standing on my own two feet is another fun thing I started past few days. Mommy was trying to sit me up but I refused. Yes I did. I rather stand thank you very much!
Momma and I have a burping game when I sit on her belly and she tries to kiss my nose I love to smile and laugh. Sometimes she only get to kiss my toes and the burp comes out!
Big 5 month news on sleep front is that I am going to sleep on my own!! I have two friends teddy and a bunny. I still find ways to sneak in  mommy daddy's bed middle of the night but I do like my crib! A room to stretch and turn if I want to.
I get to sit with Niam on dining table now in high chair these days(he has moved on to booster seat. Oh its fun. Wonder when I get to try some of that yummy stuff? For now I will eat my toys.