Tuesday, December 10, 2013

29 weeks

I have two interesting hobbies this week. Trying to eat or lick mama's hair and put (ANY) things in my mouth if I can! I guess I will give baby proofing a run for money. I also like to eat the star on my excersaucer. Trust me its yummy.

This week was about christmas lightening, carols and holiday cheer. We also decorated our christmas tree, painted our own christmas ornaments and put on the lights on the tree. Mommy wanted to take our pictures but Niam won't sit still even for a minute. I even put on a baby santa outfit..Ho Ho Ho

My eating adventures have moved on to butternut squash, prunes, parsnip and peas. I heard Niam was a big fan of parsnip. Me not so much it was just okay. I am not sure what mommy was expecting form me? I love prunes and squash. Peas have to be the right texture. Wonder whats next?

I have added flapping my hands in addition to shaking my legs when I am anticipating being picked up, getting purple bottle drops (gripe water) or any food. Guess I get really excited! I also like to make all sorts of  noises while eating new food. I guess i enjoy it so much I want to share.

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