Tuesday, December 24, 2013

31 weeks

What holiday spirit this week! Between christmas caroling in greenwich village and caroling in gramercy park for christmas eve I (rather I see my mom's enthusiasm very infectious!) am in total holiday spirit.
Also packing for trip to toronto My first Flight!!! Oh laa laa. Babies fly free.
On personal front I am chilling with Niam on Winter Break. Loving the family time as dad is home too. Niam is definitely a firecracker as Mama calls him. We went to holiday market and bought one ornament each for us. I got a blue peacock and he got a red butterfly. We also spotted a subway ornament and we loved it.
Tree is fully decorated with all ornaments and lights and a center in our living room. I had a bunch of photo-op with Niam next to it.
Busy In holiday season..will report my flight adventure next week...Toronto here I come!

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