Tuesday, December 17, 2013

30 weeks, almost 7 month old!

I got in to trouble this week! When momma wasn't looking I got hold of this wrapping paper that Niam used at school and tried to eat it. I was all green in fingers, mouth..everywhere. Of course momma figured it out!! Oh No. Momma knows now how much trouble I can get into if left on my own.

This week was about Holiday parties. Niam's school, Vinod Mama's house. Christmas is around the corner...We saw santa at the north pole.  What nice journey that was,  I liked looking around.

I even went with Niam to his first dentist appointment for moral support.
It snowed past week! Niam and I had snowball fights..It was cold brrr. Cold can't stop us!

I cant believe I will be 7 month old saturday! oh my...

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