Tuesday, May 28, 2013

One week old!

I'm settling in at home and so is the rest of my family including my brother.  Importantly to mom and dad, I am starting to figure out that daytime is for being awake (barely!), but that night time is mostly for sleeping!  I still enjoy a midnight snack or two now and again, but who doesn't?  Bhaiya is also wanting more and more to hold me, rock me, and sing me good-night songs.  He even read me a story the other day!  It was something about a wocket in someone's pocket.  I didn't understand all of it, but I know I liked it.

My mom tells me that I am a pooping and eating machine, but she also says that this is a good thing. My dad laughs a lot when I poop, I think because they can be a bit on the loud side. My philosophy is that if you are going to poop, you might as well do it in style and let everyone know about it.  I am a young lady, after all!

I am hiding in the bag my mommy is carrying!

I even went to my brother's school and to Doreen's class with my momma and my Masi, who stayed with me for a week.  I got a lot of attention there from Niam's teachers and from other parents. There were so many big kids in bhaiya's class.  Maybe I'll get to go to his school some day? Who knows?  For now, I am happy hanging with my momma.
Bus trip with bhaiya to sprinkler park!
Momma is feeling stronger and is taking me outside more. She is testing out all these different baby carriers but I am having trouble making up my mind which one I like best, and this frustrates my momma.  One day I'm all cozy and sleepy in Ergo for example, but the next time momma puts me in there, I'm a hot mess.  Hey, a baby girl has the right to change her mind!  But don't worry. Momma and I will figure it out, I think.  

We even went to a birthday part with bhaiya this weekend at the "Key Park".
 I was napping and fussing in the carrier mostly, but I still had fun. Bhaiya thinks I will love the playground when I get a bit bigger and I agree.  Can't wait!!

Momma is also starting to dress me up like the little princess that I am!  Lots of pink and floral patterns and other girly stuff.  For the most part, I like it a lot, and my momma and dadda definitely like it too based on all the photo shoots and "she's so cute" comments coming from them.

 The one thing I did not like was this head band thing that momma got me.  I didn't like it, so I cried when momma put it on me.  I think I may have my own style, but we'll have to see as my fashion sense develops.

I also had my first bath and my big brother helped out! He and dadda washed my hair and got me nice and clean.  I admit I was nervous at first and let out a few cries, but after a while I settled in and enjoyed the warm water.  I did cry again when I came out of the bath but only because I was a bit cold, but this was nothing that some nice warm milk could't fix.

I figured out one other thing: I like hair rubs!! Yeah! Just like my mama! Champi!!  So many things to look forward to.......

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