Tuesday, June 11, 2013

3 weeks old!

Life is good, I must say.  I feel myself getting bigger and stronger, and with increased size comes a growing need for adventure and exploration.  My main problem is that unlike my bhaiya, I can't walk or crawl or even turn over. Drats!!  For now, I'll have to settle for looking around and focusing on things with my eyes.

My mama notices me focusing on photos, the window, and other stuff too.  After all, everything is new to me and I have a lot to learn.  Besides my inability to get around, I have one other major problem: I tire quite easily. I can do five minutes of looking around, maybe ten on a good day, before the sleepiness comes over me.

this is me getting tired..

this is stage 2 asking for help

now i am miserable
Once I am sleepy, I can get a bit fussy and call for my momma to help me find sleep, which can be elusive even for a gentle little girl like me.

More good news!  Niam stays home with me and mamma on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  He sure is fun to be around!  He checks in on me often and always wishes me goodnight before he goes to sleep.

Niam always talk about sleep rules. If you ask me, too many rules!
He sings me lots of songs and reads me stories! We go to hear music at Madison Square Park, yoga in Union Square, or check out a local playground.  I have to tell you a secret: I miss a few things... OK, a lot of things that happen on our excursions.   Once I get into that baby carrier, I get very sleepy and no matter how hard I try, it's quite difficult to stay awake, even if the music is jamming.

 My momma tells me not to worry and that that I have plenty of time to experience all of those things when I get older.  I can't wait!

I am a calm baby, I think. Some days when I am napping, I let out a cry, but by the time momma comes in to check on me, I am already back to sleep on my own.  I also think, I am a verbal baby who likes to chat.  However, since I can't say any words yet, I do a lot of other verbal tactics to try to get my point across: grunting, moaning, snorting, sobbing, to name a few.  I'm pretty sure that my momma understands all (at least most) of my signals!

I try to be a good girl and not give my momma a hard time.  I get lots of hugs, but not too many kisses yet! Momma worries about something she calls germs.  She says I'm too small to be exposed to them via kisses, especially with my lingering cold that I have finally shaken. I'm too small a baby to understand the pathophysiology of infectious illness, but I think I'm ready for more kisses.  Lots of kisses, I say!  The more the better!!

The weather is heating up, and this gives me a chance to look my best in my little summer dresses.   I look very cute, I think, and I know momma agrees that I look very beautiful.   I'm also getting used to being in my swaddle at night time.  I heard my bhaiya didn't like his swaddle very much.  I don't mind mine because it helps me to relax, as long as I am allowed to dress up in my little pink floral dresses during the daytime.  I also enjoy getting dressed up when we go to the park or the sprinklers.  After all, you never know who you'll bump into......

My dadda likes my facial expression when I am getting burped sitting down.  I am usually wide awake,  but looking peacefully confused about what exactly is happening.  All I know is I enjoy burping a lot.  And momma says I'm pretty good at it.  My first talent, hurray!!

this burping on daddy's shoulder a back up option

More thoughts next week..... See you soon!

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