Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Five weeks old!

These days I am mostly busy growing up and looking around. I am becoming more interested in what's going on around me.  I like to look into the light of the window or living room.  I stare at these black and white cards that momma got for me or I read a story. Sometimes I even wonder what will happen to Edward Snowden?? Seriously, I am definitely more alert, and I enjoy my awake time more and more. Momma says she's going to allow me to spend more time in the gym and will start getting me my own TOYS!  Yippee!!

My family and I have developed a night ritual, hurray! First, I read with Niam and Mommy, then we sing songs (Niam does mostly), and then I drink milk. Some nights, I need my dad to rock me (he says I fit nicely in his arms.)  I am not much of a back sleeper.  I prefer to lie on my side, even when I am being rocked by daddy. This positioning works well because I can continue to look around the room while I am being rocked.  Once I am out, I usually am out for the rest of the night. Mommy plans her night life after 9PM because my lights are out definitely out by then, sometimes even earlier.  In the early morning, Daddy and I have a diaper changing ritual, and we talk about a lot of stuff at that time.  Sometimes, however, I get tired of hearing him complain about the Mets ongoing troubles, but usually I palliate him by saying "Don't worry daddy. There's always next year." This seems to work OK.

Here's a few other updates:
-  I sometimes unclench my hands and grab momma's earring and hair while I am eating. I have sharp nails despite my mommy cutting them so often (no more boo boos except for that first cutting, good job Momma!). I do scratch my mommy here and there, sorry Momma!!
- I am still experimenting with baby carriers. I have decided that I like my legs out of that carriers! Its been point of major frustration for me. Froggy leg position with my legs stuck inside the carrier doesn't work for me (especially in the hot weather).  I'd rather be free, and now I can and I like it a lot! Its a perk of getting bigger.
- Momma also noticed that I do not like loud startling noises such as train horns, firetruck sirens, or boat horns honking. Daddy even mentioned that I don't like rustling noises. I am totally fine with my brother running around and playing loud games. This is music to my ears.
- Mommy was worried how much weight I have gained since I haven't been to the doctor in a while. The rough estimate (measured on the unreliable home scale)  is approximately 10 pounds. We will see..
- One more quirky thing about me is the grunting noises I make when I am sleeping. It may seem that I am not that comfortable, but I actually am! But, I do like hugs and like to sleep next to mommy or daddy!
- I have started to take baths in the morning when Niam is at school. It's been too hectic to bathe in the evenings because Niam is usually running amuck!  Momma and dadda skipped a bunch of evening baths and I was mad!! My new schedule is more reliable, and this way my hair doesn't get oily!!

What's new this week:

- Picking up Niam from school with mama
- Sprinkler park
- Niam's school picnic
- Washington square fountain
- Celebration of my one month birthday
- Cupcakes for Niam
- Union sq. yoga
- Storytime with Niam (Goodnight Moon and Three Little Bears)

What's out:
- Boxing gloves
- Baby hawk

What I don't like:
- Honking boats or trains
- Fire truck sirens
- Too much gassiness

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