Tuesday, June 18, 2013

4 weeks old

Time for my weekly update, hurray! Here are a few things I've been up to this week:

More goodnight songs from Bhaiya.  After his bath but immediately before his story time, he comes in  my room to perform goodnight songs.  Recently, I've been liking his version of "I'm a Little Teapot."  He does a lot of hand shaking and hand waving mostly for emotional emphasis. I think he's a good singer and a great performer.   In the morning time, he asks Momma if I am awake so that he come into my room to say good morning to me and give me a hug.

 My neck feels stronger, but I still need help holding my head up. My mommy has me do baby exercise work-outs on my belly ("tummy time" as she calls it).  I do my best to make my mommy proud by working hard.  I feel like I'm improving quickly and momma agrees!

I'm maintaining my mellow and quiet disposition.  I don't fuss and cry very often and when I do cry, I quiet down immediately when momma or dadda picks me up.   One time I fuss sometimes is on the boob, usually in the evening, which is my peak fussiness time because I'm sleepy.  Mom and dad can't figure this one out and I can't either.  Sometimes I also have trouble maintaining my sleep in the evening time so I wake up often.  Momma and dadda take turns getting me back to sleep: daddy by rocking me and mommy by a boob/patting/rocking combination. Daddy thinks I like the "Five Little Ducks Song" a lot and that it helps me fall asleep.  He's right!  How did he know??
The good news is that once I settle in to a solid sleep in the evening, I'm pretty good during the overnight hours. I wake up only a few times to eat, each time falling back to sleep immediately afterwards.
We went out a lot this week: several sprinkler parks, a birthday party at a carousel in Brooklyn, a carnival where I waited in line to get Niam a ride in a castle with a dragon!  I was frustrated because I wanted to go on the carousel and in the castle, but nobody offered!  This made me quite a bit upset!!   Other firsts:  the Highline Park, Brooklyn Bridge Park, the subway

In songs this week:
Five Little Ducks (Daddy)
I'm a Little Teapot (Bhaiya)
Mila, Time to Say Hello (Bhaiya)

In Books:
Black and White Baby Cards
Goodnight Moon
Clifford the Firehouse Dog (Bhaiya reads this to me!)

What's In:
Vitamin D drops
Breast milk
Sleeping on a pillow in middle of momma/dadda's bed

What's out:
Loud noises
Subway construction (this leads to repetitive loud honking sounds)

See you all soon......

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